Steel | Aluminum | Stainless Steel


BWI can custom manufacture metal tanks of most any kind. This includes rectangular, cylindrical, tapered bottom, tote tanks, double-wall, and uneven shaped tanks. Since 1984 BWI has been manufacturing tanks for the fuel and lubricant industries including tank racks, tank carts, and containment pans. We have made everything from 2 gallon hydraulic tanks up to 10,000 gallon bulk storage. In addition - for the trucking industry - we have repaired, patched, or split hundreds of fuel tanks over the years. Please contact us for pricing and expertise on your text steel, aluminum, or stainless steel tank project.


Oil Lubricant
Fuel Chemical
Gasoline Coolant
Grease Water


Rectangular Split Use Tank
Cylindrical Bench Top
Stackable Totes Portable Carts
Tapred Bottom


Ports | Fittings Legs | Pads
Pump/Filter Mounts Saddles
Hose Reel Mount Fork Pockets
Sight Gauge Lifting Eyes
Inspection Cover Casters | Wheels
Recessed Features Push/Pull Handle


Rack | Stand Spill Tray
Guards Containment Pan


tank parts before assembly
tank parts before assembly
tank parts assembled
tank parts assembled
welding tank assmebly
welding tank assembly
leak testing welding tank
leak testing welded tank
finished tanks in shop
finished tanks
painted tanks out for delivery
painted tanks out for delivery


stainless steel water tank
stainless steel water tank
2500 Gallon Bulk Tanks
2500 gallon bulk tank
tapered bottom storage tank
bulk grease storage
aluminum boat tanks
custom boat tank
aluminum hydraulic tanks
aluminum hydraulic tanks
tapered bottom grease tanks
grease storage tanks
stainless steel chemical storage
stainless steel biofuel storage
aluminum transfer tank
custom transfer tank
220 gallon rectangular tank
rectangular tanks
183 gallon vertical tank on legs
cylindrical tanks
tapered bottom grease tank with fork pockets
tapered bottom tanks
350 gallon stackable tote tank
stackable tote tanks
portable tank on caster wheels
portable tank carts
700 gallon bulk storage tank - cylindrical design
bulk storage tanks
stainless steel water tank
stainless steel tanks
aluminum boat tanks
aluminum tank fabrication
portable coolant tank for mining trucks
portable coolant tank for mining trucks
portable coolant tank for mining trucks
portable coolant tank for mining trucks
shop lubricants tank on caster wheels
lubricants tank on wheels
portable tank on caster wheels
portable bulk oil pump station